First Person: What Gay Pride means to me

By Bill Edgin: Growing up in Tomball, TX, I knew I was gay by the time I entered high school. But I also knew to bury this secret deep and never tell anyone, as I had been taught from an early age that being gay was a sin in the eyes of God. I lived in constant fear I would…

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Sonny Schick, 50-year host of Mason Crab Feast, remembered

Mason District Democratic Committee has lost one of its favorite sons. Adolph “Sonny” Schick was known to many as the host of the annual Mason District Crab Feast but had many more facets to him, as shown in the following tribute by a fellow Mason District committee member. Remembering Adolph Schick. By Larry Byrne When I joined the Mason District…

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Resolutions: For me, myself and a better planet

Ed. Note: Are you making resolutions for the New Year? Tell us about them! [email protected] By Mala Rajamani:  As I disentangle from the anticipations, the optimism and the  ‘joie de vivre’ of the holiday season, and peer into the year to come, I ponder my resolutions for 2019. Silly you say?  After all a day is any day is any…

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First Person: A school shooting is a family matter for me

By John Parks: The Parkland school shooting hit me hard, as teaching runs deep in my family. My mother was a teacher as are two of my children, one a principal. And I have 7 school-age grandchildren. When a shooting happens in a school, it immediately becomes personal. That could be one of mine. I am infuriated at hearing  Wayne…

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First Person: Gun violence nightmare persists from school to parenthood

By Kenny Bledsoe: Editor’s Note: Remembering the Columbine mass murder of April 20, 1999, on its 19th anniversary. I was in 9th grade when two teenagers donned black trench coats, armed themselves to the teeth, and set about systematically murdering 12 of their classmates and a teacher before killing themselves at Columbine High School in Colorado. Rumors swirled among the students the…

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First Person: A hateful encounter just increased my determination

By Marion Stillson: I love distributing literature to the public, using a wheelchair as I have done full time since I was twenty-three. And I am good at it: good at catching the mood of an oncoming pedestrian, good at just the right amount of deference or assertiveness, good at matching my position–delicately–so they cannot swerve to avoid me. So…

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Parents support student walkout at South Lakes High

First Person: A stand with youth brings hope

By Linda Liner: Despite the blustery cold, I felt my heart lift watching the students of South Lakes High School in Reston stage a 17-minute walk-out on March 14, exactly one month after the slaughter of 17 students in Parkland, Florida. With a small group of neighbors, I had trekked over to the school, posters in hand, to let them…

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